Airport ID: | CYTF |
Update Time (UTC): | 17/01/2025 20:01 |
Wind Speed (Knots): | 4 |
Wind Direction (Magnetic): | 270 |
Temperature (°C): | -4.8 |
Dew Point (°C): | -8.3 |
Humidity (%): | 77 |
Altimeter (inHg): | 29.89 |
Density Altitude (Feet): | \\\\ |
Visibility (Miles): | 6 |
Clouds (Hundreds of feet): | BKN023 OVC030 |
Present Weather: | |
METAR: | METAR CYTF 172000Z AUTO 24005KT 7SM BKN023 OVC030 M05/M08 A2989 |
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